Weight Loss Pre-Workout Preparation - Which Meals & Supplement Is Good For Rapid Fat Loss?

pre workout fat loss meals and supplements

In this article, we highlight the general basic workout preparations, and the best pre-workout meals, snacks, and supplements that will rapidly boost your fat loss workout plan like no other.

1. General Workout Preparedness 

  #1.1 Focus On Your Workout Target

Before your workout sessions, your mind must be settled and focused on achieving your target goals.

And so, your mind should be well-tuned as this will ensure that your planned workout is productive.

 #1.2 Feel Determined & Motivated.

To have a fruitful workout and meet your workout targets, it is important that before the workout, you feel motivated and confident in your abilities.

If you feel discouraged, take time before the workout to talk to either your coach or to someone who can encourage you.

They will provide you with the motivational powder and ammunition you need to set your workout sessions on fire!

#1.3 Listen To Your Body

As your workout session approaches, you must get and evaluate the following signals from your body:

1.3.1 Sickness, Physical Pain, Or Injury

Take time to analyze your body's conditions and feedback. If you are physically ok, you may be ready for the workout.

However, should you feel sick, or pain due to serious body or joint injuries, you may opt not to work out and instead seek treatment, rest until you recover, or use suitable pain relief, or supplements if necessary.

Do not plan to work out if you are not in a good physical state as this might expose you to more health risks.

1.3.2  Pangs of Hunger

If you feel hungry will low-level with love body energy make the necessary plans to have a suitable meal that will effectively fuel you during the workout. 

1.3.3.  Emotional Eating Disorder  

Sometimes as your workout session approaches, you may have already had your recommended share of the pre-workout meal.  

However, if you suffer from an emotional eating disorder, you may find yourself craving high-calorie food, or comfort food. 

In such a situation, think of an activity that might divert your mind. For instance, call and chat with your friends to divert your mind until your workout time begins. 

Effects of Over-eating Before Workout

Note 1: Overeating before a workout is bound to cause you great discomfort and should be avoided at all costs. 

Some of the crippling effects include but are not limited to sluggishness, bloating reflux, vomiting, and diarrhea among others.   

Note 2: Depending on the type of snack or pre-workout meal you consume, always allow for the recommended time to elapse before your workout time. Planning for your meals is critical. 

Managing Eating Disorder

If your craving for eating is overwhelming, channel it to healthy food (food low in fat & calories) so that your fat loss efforts are not jeopardized. 

For instance, grab vegetable or fruit snacks instead of French fries, or other high-calorie food like sweet snacks among others. 

The Best & Healthy Pre Workout Meals For Rapid Fat Loss

The selection of the right pre-workout meal to go for is determined by how long your workout session is due.

Why You Shouldn't Workout On An Empty Stomach

If you opt to work out on an empty stomach, first, you will lack the needed stamina effective fat-burning. 

With low blood sugar, you will also start feeling nauseous and uncomfortable during the workout. 

Further, your body will be forced to burn your reserve fat. This means your body will be now be inclined to store more fat instead of burning them. 

Here are some of the  most suitable pre-workout snacks and meals that will adequately prepare you for an effective and healthy fat-burning workout session: 

#1. Pre-Workout Meal - 1 Hour or less before a workout 

  • Thick Yoghurt (High-protein, low sugar /Greek  Yoghurt) with Fruit.

  •  Apple, Orange, or Banana fruits

  • Nutritional Bar with milk /dairy proteinplant proteins: nuts, pea, seeds, soy, etc. 

    #2. Pre-workout Meal- About 2 Hours before Workout

    • Jam sandwich & natural almond butter on wholemeal bread/brown bread

    • Milk-based protein-smoothiemixed berriesbanana, protein powder such as whey protein, Casein protein, brown rice protein, hemp protein, etc.

    • Milk with whole-grain cereals such as whole grain wheat, brown rice, whole grain oats, whole-grain barley,  whole grain corn, etc.

    • A cup of whole-grain oat/oatmeal with sliced almonds and banana on top. 

    #3. Pre-workout Meal- 2 to 3 Hours or More Before Workout 

    • Avocado fruit, Egg Omelet with whole-grain bread / brown-bread

    • Brown rice with vegetables such spinach, kale, broccoli, and asparagus    or lean protein

    • Lean Protein such as white-meat, lean beef, white-fleshed fish, powdered peanut butter, etc. with Salad on Whole-grain bread (brown bread) 

    The Best Pre-Workout Supplement - 30 Minutes Before Workout 

    If you are a busy professional woman, mother, man, or a parent who works under tight time schedules with less or no time to prepare suitable pre-workout snacks or meals, SOREADY Pre-workout Supplement from SOS, (link) is your ultimate workout savior!

    ✔️Flavored with fresh lemon, it is packed with high-energy natural Amino Acids for high performance, endurance, and enhanced workout motivation.

    ✔️It is further enriched with a potent organic compound for lean muscle development, and safe fat-burning workout.

    ✔️No serving hassle. Simply take 1 Round scoop with your favorite protein shake and you will be ready to face and fully conquer your workout huddles after just 30 minutes!

    👉Shop Here (LINK TO BE INSERTED)  for SOREADY, your fat loss pre-workout booster, motivator, & lean muscles builder.